Saturday, November 30, 2019
Prior to the Cuban revolution, Cuba was under the Essays
Prior to the Cuban revolution, Cuba was under the control of Fulgencio Batista, a capitalist dictator. American casinos and occupation caused unrest in Cuba, and the tourism caused a huge disparity within the poor. This sparked the Cuban revolution, whereafter the money earned from the tourism and given to the rich was given to the poor. However, in Cuba following 1959, the Castro regime has infringed upon human rights via unjust arrests, extreme police brutality, the murder of dissenters, and the creation of labor camps for gay men and those who opposed the regime. These occurrences continue in modern day Cuba, with unjust arrests and police brutality persisting in communist Cuba. Coupled with covered up assassinations and death camps disguised as labor camps, the Cuban government has been committing inhumane atrocities since the beginning of the Castro Regime. The earliest form of human rights abuses, is the aforementioned labor camps, known as Military Units to Aid Production, or otherwise as UMAPs. However, they only existed for a short period of time. The Cuban labor camps existed from 1965 to 1968. They primarily targeted political dissenters, though they included gay men and those who's religions went against that of the communist government.( They began as an alternative to those who could not complete their compulsory service in the Cuban military. However, they quickly became an inhumane means of killing off these undesirable' populations. It had been estimated that seventy two men were tortured to death, five hundred and seven were sent to psychiatric wards, and one hundred eighty of them committed suicide. However, these numbers are extremely small, considering the total internee count being up to thirty five thousand. To say nothing of the concerning means that the aforementioned men met their deaths, the conditions of such places were not suitable for any human being to healthily live. Forced to work in farms for up to ten to twelve hours out of the day, men were put in extreme labor conditions, having to work up to seven days out of the week. These inhumane working hours only further showcase the inhumanity of these camps. Not to mention, the poor nutrition, unclean water, poorly prepared food, with even the plates they ate off being unclean. The barracks in these camps were filled to the brim, with men forced to even share beds. Those imprisoned even had no electricity to speak of, the extremity going on to the point that they had no toilets. Castro himself even admitted that the purpose of these labor camps was to punish those who refused to join communist parties while facilitating free labor for the state. Despite the government being open about the existence of these camps, communist supporters try to deny their existence, propagating Cuba as an LGBT friendly country. However, this is simply ignoring the facts. Gay men were punished on account of simply being gay with detention sweeps, which would quickly send them to these labor camps. (Wise, New York Times). Others will say that Castro was not in power', or against it' during the times of these camps' existence. However, that is going against evidence. Fidel Castro was a dictator, who had all the power that came with one, such as controlling the existence of these UMAPs and their execution. The aforementioned labor camps are not the only form of cruelty that the Castro regime has enforced upon the Cuban people. Deliberately small rations quickly caused high death counts, not to mention the democides. No exact amount of deaths from starvation is known, but from primary accounts, the toll is undoubtedly high. Historian from College of Hawaii estimates up to 141,000 deaths while under the Castro regime- not even just from starvation. When considering the death toll in Cuba a small number, be aware that the exact number is unknown due to purposeful, either concealing of records, or simply being willingly ignorant of the death toll and making no such records. Before 1990, the rations would include as two pounds of chicken, six eggs, a pound of picadillo *, and if fish was present, then a pound, for the month. During 1991 in a time commonly known as the special period by people who
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Structural Theory Economics Essay
Free Structural Theory Economics Essay Structural Theory The structural theory of economic development is based on changing the economic structures of the developing countries from subsistence grounded economy to an industrialized and urban-based one (Bitar 43). The developing countries mostly practice subsistence production for their own consumption. In support of this theory, Sir William Arthur Lewis argues that the traditional agrarian system has a lot of idle labor that can be utilized in the industrial sector and be more productive. If the labor that is idle in the subsistence production sector could be utilized in a more productive manner in the industrial sector, then a country stands a chance of growth and economic development (Coleman, and Nixon 36). Hollis Burnley Chenery, also in support of this model, argues that the route that a state will follow in developing its economy depends on its resources, size, as well as its current income level and virtual advantage proportional to other countries. Hollis advocates that for a country to advance its economy, it must work from its level upwards. This means that a country must work to improve its current economic conditions to record an economic growth in the long run (Kalecki 78). Therefore, since most developing countries have high levels of illiteracy, high levels of mortality rate, and high level of food shortages, they need to work on eradicating these problems. For a country to industrialize it must have enough work force to supply the industries with labor; therefore, the levels of education have to be improved. In the industrialization process, the number of industries to be constructed at a time depends on the country size and its capital capacity. According to the structuralism, economic development is gradual and is achieved through the accomplishment of numerous smaller strategies (Kalecki 78). This theory has faced a lot of criticism because of its incompetence. The theory puts its emphasis on the shift from an agrarian system to an industrialized one. According to the critics, this shift would lead to heavy inequalities between the urban areas and the rural areas (Coleman, and Nixson 38). The urban areas would develop inevitably while the rural areas would be demising down. The assumption that there is a surplus labor in the agrarian sector is criticized since this labor is just seasonal and, if it were transferred to the industrial sector, the agriculture sector would collapse. The critics of this model point out that the model does not have a framework. That is, the model does not outline clearly what should be done to achieve economic development in the developing countries. Theories of Trade The Mercantilism theory argues that a nation may accumulate economic wealth through encouraging exports and dispiriting imports. The reality of this theory was achieved through government intervention, colonization, and trade surpluses. The colonizers are a good example of the reality of this model; they ensured trade surplus through exporting raw materials from the colonies to their home countries. They then exported finished goods to other countries and made it hard and almost impossible to import to their countries. Government intervention is realized through the imposition of tariffs or sanctions on imports and giving subsidies for expanding their exports (Bitar 43). The absolute advantage theory argues that a nation may accumulate economic wealth through producing goods more cheaply than another country, using equal or fewer resources. This theory implies that a country should produce what it can best produce. This model advocates that trade should be allowed to flow freely as driven by the market forces of demand and supply. That is, trade should not be restricted through imposing of tariffs, sanctions, or subsidies. It also points out that the main goal should be making cheap products available to the nationals in abundance, as well as ensuring that the living standards of the nationals are improved (Kalecki 79). Through this model, national wealth is measured by considering the living standards of the people but not the money the country has in store. The Importance of Trade Trade enables countries to learn new ideas from each other. When countries are trading with each other, every country learns from the other and receives mutual benefits. Each country has its field of specialty, different from that of the trading partners one (Coleman, and Nixson 37). There is transfer of economic ideas, which help countries grow and advance economically. For example, developing countries borrow construction ideas from the developed ones. Most developing countries have no infrastructure; therefore, in case of infrastructure construction, they borrow the ideas that were used to construct such a piece of infrastructure in the developed countries (Bitar 43). Secondly, through trade, countries are able to access and consume what it does not produce. Countries need to consume products, which they do not produce, or services not available in their country. In such cases, trade plays a major role in making these products, goods, and services available. For instance, the deve loping countries have shortages of skilled labor force; therefore, they have to import professional labor from the developed countries. Third, trade creates a balance amongst economies and reduces the risk of collapsing. If an economy was independent, and collapsed, it would be hard to revive it (Kalecki 78). With trade, countries are dependent; therefore, even if an economy threatens to collapse, corrective measures are employed early enough to remedy. Trade is important in the world economy since there is no single country that can make the world economy on its own. It is only through trade that any country realizes its economic wealth. Summary Rolls-Royce is a company that specializes on engines and has its branches located in Germany, the US, England, Asia, Singapore, and Alesund. Rolls is a thriving company in its operations and it is making remarkable profits through basing its operations on niche markets. Contrary to the other companies, Rolls is making investments in the high-wage countries. It decided to invest here because, in the high wage countries, it is getting government support and property protection of high intellectual property and information. It is facing stiff competition from renowned companies and governments. For example, as said in the article, China and India are eradicating thousands of engineers to boost their home industries. The major problem that Rolls is facing is the deficiency of skilled labor. The company is lacking technical skills that it is looking for in engineers. As a result, it is suffering from labor shortage. The shortage in staffs has cost the company millions of dollars since the company is forced to decline contracts. Rolls invest in Norway because of the support the government provides As stated in the article, governments support is vital if a company wants to do quality engineering. The government plays a significant role in protecting a companys intellectual property and providing an environment conducive for investment. Another reason for Rolls to move its plant to Norway; is that Norway is leading in improved shipping building in the world. With this withstanding, then it has better workforce skilled in shipbuilding. Although there is a shortage in staffing as compared to other countries, Norway is far much better. The third reason is that there is a great demand for marine engines in Norway because of its operation in the rough Arctic and the North Sea. Because of many breakages in the ocean, there is a great demand for marine engines today. With the increased water travel, there is a rise in demand for more ships and other marines. Therefore, this existed as a market niche, and it was a good opportunity for Rolls to utilize. Norway emphasizes on efficiency and knowhow over labor cost; therefore, the workers need to be skillful and educated. The Western countries seek to produce quality products; thus, they require train workforce that is rich in skills. In addition, the legal requirements for industry laborers demand skilled workers to reduce risks, as well as to produce standard products. In Norway, the wages are high as well as the living standards; for workers to be paid lavishly, they need to be satisfactorily skilled. There is the existence of the security system that is concerned with the welfare of workers, which governs the hiring standards. Through this system, Norway is able to ensure that employees the companies hire are qualified; hence, they can reduce the firing rates. In an attempt to satisfy the regulations of the security system, the companies do not hire employees who are not satisfactorily qualified to avoid the need to fire them soon after the hiring. China, on the other hand emphasizes on labor cost cut down and mass production over efficiency and knowhow. With the increased demand of the China made products both locally and internationally, skills in production have been less a concern. The China government is working towards improving the market of its local products in the local market. To achieve this objective, there has been a loose hand on the production regulations and requirements. Less skilled workers are paid cheaply; thus, the labor cost of production is cutting down greatly. This results in low prices products thus raising their demand internationally, although they are rather substandard one. The production requirements of China are favorable when compared to those of the Western countries; this gives a loophole for producers to be reckless and, eventually, unskilled workers get into the system. Chinas government does not give sufficient support for a business to thrive. Rishton, quoted in the article, asserts that, for a company to do quality engineering, government support is vital. Therefore, being an essential, it becomes hard for a company that deals with fundamental engineering to thrive in China. According to the researches outlined in the critique, most foreign investors in China are complaining of intellectual property security. China does not protect the proprietary information of foreign investors. The researches showed that investors lost millions of money because of leakage of their proprietary information to competitors. In addition, China is committed to training workforce to improve the value of its products; thus, this objective contradicts helping or even safeguarding the welfare of foreign investors. The government cannot protect the foreign investors since it is working towards improving the market of their local products. These intellectual properties are not secondary but basic ones Since these concerns have contributed to Rolls decision of not investing in China, they must have been basic to the companys operations. Having noted that staff shortages are a problem to the company, Chinas objective of training works to help improve its local products will complicate the shortage problem. Finally, leakage of a companys proprietary information to its competitors would cause great damages resulting in huge losses. The information of any company is its power and its advantage over its competitors. The leakage of this information is a huge blow to the company.
Friday, November 22, 2019
7 Things You Should Be Doing For Every Image On Your WordPress Site
7 Things You Should Be Doing For Every Image On Your WordPress Site Adding an image to your website is not as simple as just uploading and clicking the publish button. Of course, that is an option – you can do it the lazy way – but if you want a perfectly optimized website and favored search results, there are a few things you need to do to make sure that the images are optimized before you publish them. You may find it tedious and annoying, and time consuming, but taking the time to do this right will be worth it when you see your A+ grade on Google and Bing Webmaster Tools and are rewarded with stellar search rankings. Editing Your Images: If you don’t own an Adobe Photoshop license, don’t worry, there are plenty of free online photo editing tools that can help you get the job done. Using high quality photos on your website is as important as using proper grammar. These websites offer free tools that make it easy to crop, resize, and edit your images:  PicMonkey https://www.picmonkey.comFotor http://www.fotor.comPixlr Optimise and Compress Your Images: Large image files take up a lot of valuable space on your website and will slow down your site speed and hinder its performance considerably. Before you upload any image to your site, compress it or at as a minimum, make sure you have the Ewww Image Optimizer Plugin installed as advised by Kyle in the lessons. In Adobe Photoshop, select â€Å"compress for web†before saving the file. You can also achieve similar results using some of the free image compression tools available online. Site speed is a ranking factor so the faster the better. TinyPNG -https://tinypng.comPNGGaunlet http://pnggauntlet.comPunyPNG http://www.punypng.comResults vary, but in one test, Adobe Photoshop reduced a 236 KB image to 108.1KB, while TinyPNG reduced the same file from 236KB to 110.4KB. So, Adobe Photoshop does perform slightly better, but you can get pretty close using other programs. Consider Your File Names: Once you have readied the image for uploading, make sure to name it properly. Search engines use file names to identify and index results so this is a really important step. If you name a file with a bunch of letters and numbers that doesn’t give search engines any information about what the image portrays. However, if the file has a specific name such as, â€Å"New York at Dawn†then it can be categorized and indexed, whereas naming the file something like, â€Å"New York†doesn’t describe the image very well. Use keywords in the file name to boost your search results. Be sure to use hyphens in the file name to separate words.  Image URLs: When you upload your edited, compressed, properly named image to your website, WordPress will show the attachment details in a box on the right side of the Insert Media page showing the automatically generated permalink URL based on the file name, this is essentially the web address of the image. You can’t change this once it’s uploaded so if you forgot to change the file name before uploading your file, you’ll have to delete the image and re-upload the newly named image. Image Title Attributes: The image title box is right below the URL box. Here, you can name the image whatever you like. This title should complement the Alt Text Attribute, but not repeat it. Though, Google primarily uses the Alt Text Attribute to determine information about an image file, it’s helpful to add additional relevant information about the image in the Title box. Something short and specific will do. Your Image Captions:  Adding a caption is not necessary for SEO purposes, but may be helpful for user experience. The content in this box will display on the front end of the site while the Alt and Title Attributes will not. The Alt Text Attribute The â€Å"Alt†is short for alternative. Search engines refer to the alt text when trying to determine information about the image – a textual representation of the image content. The best use of an Alt Text box is to provide a word pairing for the image. Specificity helps here, too. This is a very important element for SEO because it provides a description that lends to search results. Don’t use the same content for the Alt Text and Title Text or Description fields. They each need to be unique. This is the content that will appear if a browser is unable to display the image. Your Image Descriptions: The description information will be displayed on the attachment page of your image. In this field, you can be as descriptive as you like, such as telling the story behind the image or what kind of camera you used to take the photograph. You can add links in the description field. Again, don’t just copy and paste the information from the Title or Alt Attributes. Hopefully this gives you an idea of best practice when adding images to your website.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Self management can enhance life long learning Essay
Self management can enhance life long learning - Essay Example Self management can enhance life long learning The ability for one to be able to manage both social and health matters in an effective way is a necessary thing for development. This essay will discuss how proper management of oneself gives one lifelong lessons. Own current skills and competencies Knowledge is attainable through observation, keen listening, and even different experiences in the day-to-day running. Group work also helps reveal one’s strengths and weaknesses. My skill and competence in management has been enhanced through adequate learning and consultations. The learning process takes time and involves one’s readiness to the activities involved. As such, there is a need for one to research and identify the main aspects they may want to get in management of different factors in the society to use in the life-long run. These aspects give one competence in the times and in their field of management. One acquires the relevant skills and knowledge and therefore their performance gets commendable. To be an e ffective manager, I need to have relevant education skills to make them more competent and professional on the duties they perform. Personal attribute in realizing their capabilities, attributes, and values help determine their effectiveness in handling different issues. This shows that there are different levels that describe how competitive and successful one is.Moreover, how ones competence is applicable in different issues is determined by the skills. Some of the roles interrelate and therefore involve the use of similar values in management. One’s personal behavior and attitudes affect their ability to gain competence and effectively apply it. Learning, a continuous process in life, as we grow old it never stops and helps in advancements of our values and quality of our ability to handle issues. Therefore, since learning is infinite I need to limitlessly learn to perfectly master skills though they keep changing with time (Phillips and Gully, 2012:234). To maintain my pr ofessional standard and organizational objectives, I learn from others despite the profiles or even social status. In learning, one needs to humble and understand that they always have something to learn from anyone no matter how minor they may seem. Humility is also a necessary aspect that they should possess to help them gain an understanding of whatever issue is at hand, and this gives them an advantage to handle most of the challenges in life (Ingleby & Clive, 2012:537). Through lessons acquired, I have significantly advanced in my career and for use in the life long run. Adult education should not be taken lightly; it does not involve so much effort for one to acquire it. In clubs, churches, cinemas, concerts, political societies and even at homes through books, gardens, friends, music, and workshops are some of the ways it is acquired (Lokanadha, 1997: 47). Through self-directing, I am able to acquire lifelong education. People instilling the knowledge and conducting the learn ing activity should be reflective and give relevant examples to enable the learner use the knowledge attained in their daily lives. To acquire the necessary information, I first think on my own learning is made to improve on one's thinking and reasoning ability. Learning strategies and motivations are necessary to give me the morale of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Employment loyalty on rhythm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Employment loyalty on rhythm - Essay Example I am very interested to find out what drives employee loyalty and commitment considering the fact that the company and its sector are at a disadvantage in the areas of stability, resources, among other advantages that bigger companies enjoy. Rabin (2003) extensively discussed loyalty and its effect on organizational behavior. According to him, along with the identification with an organization, employee loyalty represents an individual and psychological bond between an employee and an organization. (p. 867) That is why it is pivotal in overall strategy of companies to produce value for consumers, achieve competitive advantage and, eventually, achieve profitability. Needless to say, such fact has driven numerous studies and research. As a result, the corpus of literature on the subject is quite extensive and comprehensive. Specifically, the subjects include works about how employee loyalty contributes to an organizations’ competitiveness, how it reflects the organization, measurement and evaluation of employee loyalty, among other issues. Some of the studies undertaken in regard to employee loyalty that are relevant in this paper’s objectives are outlined below: 1. Swayne, Duncan and Ginter (2006) explained how employee loyalty could determine the kind of culture and values an organization has. According to him, this aspect helps consumers determine whether the firm has an outstanding quality in service delivery because loyal employees mean companies who know how to value people. (p. 185) Loveman (1998) used the service profit chain framework in his effort to link employee satisfaction and loyalty to customer satisfaction and financial performance. The author underscored that the framework hypothesized relationships between employee, customer and financial outcomes. The emphasis on these three elements makes this framework an interesting resource for
Saturday, November 16, 2019
English As A Second Language Program Essay Example for Free
English As A Second Language Program Essay An ESL or English as a second Language program, as the name suggests is for students or people in general who do not speak English as their first language and have an interest in learning this language for certain reasons which may range from applying to a college or university in United states or elsewhere or they would want to get accustomed to this language for the purpose of conducting business overseas, for communication with peers at work or it can be for the simple reason of communicating with people at different situations. In this article we are going to focus on ESL programs for students at a school district, comparing and contrasting on the ways they are executed and the ways they should be executed. English as a Second Language programs for students are offered to students by either scheduling classes in between their regular course classes or they can be undertaken as a separate programs by certain individuals who are accommodated in the vicinity of the university. Today, since the ratio of international students is increasing at an alarming rate in United States or Canada, offering an ESL program is more of a legal requirement for most districts so that all students are taken forward together at university or when they enroll into one in future. It is also due to this very fact that a lot of emphasis is given to ESL programs at elementary and middle school levels to prepare students to use English as a channel of communication in future. The execution and the effectiveness of these programs however, vary with different school districts depending upon trained teacher, the program and the dedication of the students themselves. The duration and intensity of an ESL program varies with the individual or university requirement and can be full time or part time, ranging from a couple of weeks to even a year. These details as mentioned do differ, so for example the ESL program offered at the Greenwich public school which aims at providing students academic and communication skills In order for them to succeed in U.S universities as effectively as possible. The elementary school offers this program for an average 2- 4 years with one to eight hours of instruction every week depending upon the grade and language individual needs of students. The school also focuses on very small groups and emphasizes individual attention to students to better understand their weaknesses and fill I the gaps. The Greenwich Public School district has been offering ESL programs for the past 28 years and has seen an influx in the number of ESL students over the years. In the year 2004-05 approximately 731 students enrolled in the program altogether from 54 countries. The elementary school curriculum includes a variety of materials according to student needs such as work books, songs, CD’s, learning of poems, class presentations etc. this program is more content based and strong emphasis is give on the reading aspect in this program. The program is organized around themes and aims at teaching critical thinking along with language skills to enable success in mainstream class rooms. In more specific terms this ESL program for elementary students includes Theme based English series which includes work books, posters etc. Group activities (theme based) which tend to explore literature along with songs, activities, TPR games etc. Miami Linguistics, which are designed for ESL beginners in a sequential reading manner. In Greenwich Public School, after completing the elementary school program after reaching grade 2 or grade 3, ESL students are expected to formulate questions, read outside of class, compare materials in a text and also contrast them. They are also able to express a story in their own words with proper understanding and expressions, write small paragraphs and initiate conversations. After completing the basic ESL program for elementary school, students can decide to move out of the program or advance to higher level middle school ESL program, which has its own curriculum and particular hours to be covered aimed at developing proficiency in English language. Placement in this program is based on entry tests and educational history. After looking at the details of different ESL programs offered by various institutes, if one actually compares them with reality, one can say that ESL programs put students under a lot of stress as they try to achive excellence in a second language, therefore recreational facilities should be made affordable, also the students should be encouraged to mingle with American students in order to culturally adjust with them and pur into practice all the theories they have learnt in class. Also one of the most important things which teachers for this program need to understand is that students enrolled in an ESL program come from very different backgrounds and cultures, therefore the same methodoligies cannot be applied across the board for teachin purposes. Students must be carefully monitered and encouraged to use their strengths to achive succcess in the course. (Currie, 2003) If one compares the ESL program offered by greemwich Public School with other ESL programs offered, we can say that most ESL programs are similar in conducting theme based activities, which can be selected by asking students what they want to say, moulding the curiculum in children’s interest. Also at this stage most ESL programs are content based, songs are also one of the important keys to success in most ESL progrms. One of the methods which can contribute towards the improvement of an ESL program at Greenwich is that revision of matrial is very important before every new leson taught, this can be best achived with the help of songs before proceeding forward. Each lesson should be broken down into three to four parts, starting with warm up and revision of previous material, then teaching new lesson, for example new vocabulary words etc, the third part should incorporate games or activities t practice the new lesson and the ending of a esson sholud be on a happy thankful note, referably a song. This approach has been teted at ther ESL program and has proved to be very succesful. Different approaches to learning can be adressed thorough ESL games, making learning lessions fun and more effective. Depending on the students theses ESl games can vary from auditorylearnig style in which games involve more listening through peoms or repitation etc. Visual ESL styles ca be used for students who are more comfortable with videos of games involving flash cards etc and finally tactile learnig styles can be used in which â€Å"touch†are used. (Vernon) In conclusion, if the current ESL program in a School district is evaluated in terms of the comparisons and details mentioned above, I would say that diverse approach towards the students is missing and teachers are adopting a homogenous method towards all students. In my opinion more effort needs to be diverted in this angle where different games and teaching styles are used after analysing the capabilities of students and more emphasis should be place on practical learning.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Personal Narrative- High School and Church Youth Group Essay -- Person
Personal Narrative- High School and Church Youth Group The most distinguishing and memorable moment of my life was entering high school for the first time. I feel that the event of starting high school was the starting point of what kind of person I was going to become. Not only did I start going to a new kind of school, but I started attending the high school youth group at my church. I also had the privilege to start working on my first car. Without this experience, I feel that I would not be where I am right now. This memorable moment started with my transition to the high school youth group at church. Moving up to the high school group at my church was exciting yet frightening. Fortunately, I was welcomed with great joy and fellowship. I got involved in the activities very quickly. I made many friends, which gave me an incentive to actually go to church. I went on two mission trips before starting school. This helped me to see God work through me and through my youth group. Within our youth group, we had a youth choir called Deliverance. Because of my involvement in that ...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Early pregnancy Essay
Early pregnancy is considered â€Å"socially problematic†such as : broken families, discrimination and some teenagers feel they all alone. In addition, people believes that being pregnant in an early age are at the high risk for poor health outcomes during pregnancy such as checkups ,vitamins and even exercise and it is a result of being a child mother because they are young not to know what the right things to do. And even in the child birth she didn’t know how to care with her baby because she’s too young. And in the process of growing up of her child most of them does not able to teach a good attitude to their child because even them their parents haven’t teach them well so the history repeat itself. But in the other way around some child mother care, teach and give their all attention to their baby because they don’t want that their baby would be same after them. What Age they considered as early pregnancy? It is 15 years old and below. Because it have a high rate of infant mortality which is 13 per1000 live births, very low birthweigth =24 and very preterm delivery = 43. Compare to 16-19 years old infant mortality = 8, very low birthweight = 15 and very preterm delivery = 22. So this analysis signified that 15 years old and below considered early pregnancy. Background Why did I choose this topic? Is that I think that discussing this one is the best thing to do to open the mind of those teenager not to do premarital sex which will result a â€Å"Early Pregnancy†. Another reason is to explain what is the cause and effect factors of early pregnancy. Some may don’t really care about this topic, but for me this is important. Because our population is increasing while our economic is decreasing and it was so alarming. Another reason why should I have to discuss this is to enlighten the mind of those woman to enjoy their teen years and also single life. Then to avoid her to big responsibilities she cannot take. And to avoid destroying a lot of woman’s future.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Conduct Unbecoming
â€Å"Conduct unbecoming†is a punishment that is only for Commissioned OFFICERS – not for enlisted soldiers. Article 84 is regarding unlawful enlistment†¦ and therefore not applicable to this situation. Article 15 is the article that allows for non-judicial punishment – it is NOT something you can be charged with. Article 91: Insubordinate conduct toward a non-commissioned officer (you failed to obey the order). Article 92: Failure to Obey a Lawful Order (he ordered you to tell the truth, and you didn't). Article 107: False Official Statements (told a lie when asked). Article 134: Disloyal Statements (prejudicial to the good order and discipline) Article 134: False Swearing (you took an oath and then lied) Article 134: Obstructing Justice (you lied to hide wrongdoing) The max punishments you can be hit with are as follows (in the same order!! ) Article 91: BCD, 1 year confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances (willfully disobeying an NCO's order), BCD, 6 month confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances (for showing contempt to the NCO) Article 92: Dishonorable discharge, 2 years confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances (if the situation involved a general order). BCD 6 month confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances (for the failure to tell the NCO the truth). Article 107: 5 years confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances. Article 134 (statements): 3 years confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances. Article 134 (swearing): Dishonorable Discharge, 3 year confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances. Article 134 (obstructing): Dishonorable Discharge, 5 year confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances. And it depends entirely upon what it was that you are being accused of lying about and the Commander. If it was important, or really impacted Good Order and Discipline, you'll be charged with the maximum number of charges. If it is bad enough situation to warrant an Article 15 you are going to get hit with a Field Grade Article 15. For this, the max damage is no more than 30 days of correctional custody, 45 days of extra duty, 45 days of restriction (it can be 60 days, but extra duty and restriction must be the same amount), loss of TWO pay grades, and loss of half your pay for two months.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Farther vs. Further
Farther vs. Further Farther vs. Further Farther vs. Further By Mark Nichol Is there any difference between farther and further? Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary notes in a usage discussion that as an adverb, farther and further are used indiscriminately when literal or figurative distance is involved: â€Å"How much farther do we have to go?†â€Å"It’s just a mile further.†â€Å"How much further do you want to take this argument?†â€Å"I’ve taken it farther than I want to already.†However, in adjectival form, a distinction has developed regarding use in these senses: â€Å"My house is the farther of the two.†â€Å"She needs no further introduction.†But dictionaries are descriptive; they describe not how people should use language, but how they do use it. However, language maven (and therefore prescriptive) Bryan A. Garner, in Garner’s Modern English Usage, advises, â€Å"In the best usage, farther refers to physical distances, further to figurative distances,†and I agree: Popular usage demonstrates just that popular usage and the careful writer maintains distinctions that enrich the language. (Write eager when you mean eager, for example, and anxious when you mean anxious.) Farthest and furthest, by extension, should maintain the same distinct meanings; use these forms in favor of the burdensome farthermost and furthermost. Furthering and furtherance are interchangeable noun forms that serve as synonyms for promotion or advocacy; there is no equivalent noun form for farther. Further is also employed as a modifier, as in â€Å"Further, I see no reason to delay the proceedings†; furthermore is a variant. Farther, however, does not fit this role. This Daily Writing Tips post from a former contributor has a somewhat different take; as always, consider what you read here (and there) a springboard (or two) for farther I mean further research to help you make up your mind about how you write. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a US Business LetterRunning Amok or Running Amuck?30 Nautical Expressions
Monday, November 4, 2019
Morality and ethics by Kant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Morality and ethics by Kant - Essay Example However, the interaction between the human will and the inherent imperative is full of complexities. An imperative is a directive to act, to do good. However, the act itself will come from the will. Not because an imperative presents something good to do, the human will does it. Kant tackles this by identifying two distinct imperatives – hypothetical and categorical. Hypothetical imperative demands an action for some particular purpose. It’s doing Plan A, to get winnings X. In the paper, the hypothetical imperative seems logical. Most of the time, that is how humans operate. You study in order to get good grades; you start up a business to gain money; you watch movies, attend parties and socialize to gain the feeling of belongingness or acceptance. Basically, you act because it will benefit you, or it will be for the greater good. However, the application of hypothetical imperative could also be troubling. Would you rob a bank because your loved one is dying and you don ’t have money to pay for it? Would you lie for a friend, whom you found out is cheating on his wife, to avoid getting his wife hurt and ruining his family? There are a lot of subjective inclinations that clutter the hypothetical imperative. Thus, for Kant, the moral law forms around the categorical imperative. It’s the unconditional demand to act for good itself. For his first maxim, Kant states, â€Å"that one should act only on that maxim that can at the same time be willed to become a universal law†.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Just In Time Decisions the Best Decisions Essay
Just In Time Decisions the Best Decisions - Essay Example Therefore in making decision, there are many considerations that a manager makes. In their day to day work, manager is faced by various situations where they have to make a decision. Managers should rise that they are making that particular decision for the whole organization and not for themselves alone. This makes the magnitude of the decision made to be large same as the implications of this decision. As such manager must have the ability to think wide and compares options in order to make a decision. One of the most important skills that are needed for the manager as they go up the organization ladder is to have conceptual skills that can help them make abrupt decision for the organization. In this regard managers must have a higher degree of conceptual skills compared to other staff. It has been found out that technical and human skills though important in management are not enough to make an effective manager. Effective manager have been found to be those who can make abrupt de cision for their organizations which are made with small error margin. (Ken 2007, p. 143) This paper will look closely at the kind of decisions that a manager need to make. It will look at the just-in-time decision of decisions that are made over a long time. ... It has been shown that most organization depends on the decision that is made by their manager to implement strategies. In this regard the manger is given the overall role of deciding for the organization. Decision making process can be described as a process in which we make a chance from the many options that we are present with. We tend to consider a lot of things before we come up with a process that suits the best solution to the problem that we are facing. Therefore decision making is a process that involve input of many factors than at the end help us to come up with the best choice. Therefore the product of a decision making process is a choice. This choice must always be perceived as the best solution to the certain problem that we are facing. Therefore the process of decision making ends with the making of a choice among many options that we are presented with. Decisions making process can be descried as a mental pr4ocss with is cognitive in nature and which leads to making of a choice. It is a cognitive process the lead to making of a choice from the many options that we have. The final output of a decision making process is the choice they has been made by the individual. (Ullman 2006, p. 643) Taken from the cognitive point of view, decisions making process can be seen as a cognitive process that is contain in nature and it is closely associated with the environment. This means that the decision that we make is always s subject to the forces of the environment. Therefore in the organization, the decision that the manager makes will be affected by different environmental factors that will affect the decision made at the end. (Levi 2006, p. 276) From the normative perspective, decision making can
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