Friday, May 22, 2020
To What Extent Did Stalin’s Rule Mar the Key Turning Point...
To what extent did Stalin’s rule mar the key turning point in Russia’s political development 1856-1953? In an historical context, a ‘turning point’ can be categorized as an event o impact caused by an individual that, had it not occurred, would have altered the final outcome of a period of history. In the period of Russian history 1856-1953 there is no doubt there was a huge amount on political change, at the bringing of the period Russia was a state ruled by an autocratic Tsar and by the end it had seen provisional governments, local and national assemblies and a whole variety of rulers, some more autocratic and reactionary than others. Stalin’s period of rule in Russia could be seen as the most brutal rule Russia saw in this period,†¦show more content†¦These purges allowed him to remove any political opponents to himself or the party. He has been judged very harshly but a number of historians, including Steve Phillips judge that ‘enormous human costs of the policy and Stalin’s personal manipulation of policy to his own advantage’5 whe re some of the reasons as to why he is viewed in such a bad light, others see what he did as necessary. Martin McCauley wrote that ‘the future is built on the bones of the past’6 taking a more Marxist view of the long term result being of greater importance than the short term impacts. There are also questions over Stalin’s objectives, as at times they seemed contradictory, ‘economically Stalin was building Socialism, but politically he was destroying it’7. A number of historians contest this and consider Stalin to be a product of his time rather than a genuine key individual, ‘Stalin’s rise to power was not based on human qualities; it resulted from the functioning of an inhuman machine, the bureaucracy’8 . Stalin and Lenin took very different stances; Lenin followed Socialism in one country whilst Stalin wanted international socialism. Stalin was also far more brutal than Lenin. My judgment is that the turning point in this peri od (1916-17) was Lenin dissolving the Constituent Assembly as it was the true rejection ofShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesDavid M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Michael Adas, ed., Agricultural and Pastoral Societies
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay - 1205 Words
The Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein There are many ideas as to who the monster really is in Frankenstein and in this essay I will explore who the monster is in the novel. The three main ideas are whether it is Victor, society itself or indeed the monster who is truly evil. Although Victors creation is known as the Monster, by reading the novel it is clear that this isnt the full story. The beginning of chapter 5 is very important in the novel, as this is the chapter in which the Monster is brought to life, and we learn a lot about what the Monster is really like. We see from the word dreary in the first sentence and dismally a few lines down that misery is to come once the†¦show more content†¦He also says how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavoured to form. This quote is useful for two reasons. Firstly it shows his character as a scientist, when he uses the word delineate. This means explain and is used in science. The other reason is that he says with infinite pains and care and this reinforces the point that he has worked very hard on this, and he is now repulsed by it. In the next paragraph he writes I had deprived myself of rest and health which again demonstrates that he has worked incredibly hard, and also acts as a parallel to Captain Walton. In this chapter he sees the beauty of his creation turn into a cat astrophe. This point is proven when he says that the beauty of the dream vanished. He also adds breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. This shows that he is scared and ashamed of what he has done. He describes the Monster as something that even Dante could not have conceived. Dante is the author of the Divine Comedy, in which he describes Hell. By this Victor means the Monster is so bad, he is worse than anything from Hell itself. Chapter 16, and page 130 before it is a turning point because the Monster does nothing wrong, but Felix judges him by his appearance and attacks him. This is what turns the Monster evil. He calls theShow MoreRelated Victor Frankenstein is the Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein566 Words  | 3 PagesVictor Frankenstein is the Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein      Through out the novel we are under the assumption that the demon in the novel is the man who is disfigured and hideous on the outside. While we view Victor Frankenstein as the handsome and caring victim, even though sometimes a monster cannot be seen but heard. Looks can be deceiving but actions are always true.      We first view Frankenstein’s ignorance while he is busy in his work. He had not visited his family forRead MoreDr. Frankenstein is the Real Monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein883 Words  | 4 Pagesits limbs,†writes Mary Shelley, describing the moment in which Victor Frankenstein fully identifies his creation. He realizes that this monster could ruin both his life and the lives of many more people. Shortly after this realization, the creator rushes out of the room. What to do now that this creature is alive and ready to do as it pleases? After reading the Mary Shelley novel, ‘Frankenstein’ I will try to answer the question, ‘who is the real monster? Dr. Frankenstein or his creation?’Read MoreThe Reanimated Monster of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay759 Words  | 4 PagesFrankenstein has become a symbol in contemporary society. Upon hearing the name, one might imagine a tall, muscular green man with short black hair, a flat head, and two bolts pierced on both sides of his neck. Although that is the Frankenstein present now, the modern Frankenstein is only an adaptation of Mary Shelley’s original creature. Shelley’s Frankenstein, 1818, is a gothic novel in which she tells the tale of a man creating life. This creation of Victor Frankenstein’s monster eventually hurtRead MoreEssay on The True Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein1301 Words  | 6 Pages Like most horror stories, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein has a wretched monster who terrorizes and kills his victims with ease. However, the story is not as simple as it seems. One increasingly popular view of the true nature of the creature is one of understanding. This sympathetic view is often strengthened by looking at the upbringing of the creature in the harsh world in which he matures much as a child would. With no friends or even a true father, the creature can be said to be a product of societyRead MoreEssay on The Real Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein2121 Words  | 9 PagesFrankenstein is a classic horror novel, but with a twist of many other genres. Written by Mary Shelley, it was a novel which mixed many exciting elements, such as horror, drama and romance. The story follows a young doctor named Victor Frankenstein, who has an obsession to reincarnate the dead, but his attempts at this fail horribly, and Victor finds himself in deep peril, as the monster stalks him throughout the world. I aim to investigate the issue, however, of who is the true monster inRead More Victor Frankenstein as the Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein626 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is a monster? The word monster causes one to imagine a hideous, deformed or nonhuman creature that appears in horror movies and novels and terrifies everyone in its path. More importantly, however, the creature described generally behaves monstrously, doing things which harm society and acting with little consideration for the feelings and safety of others. Thus, it is the behavior which primarily defines a monster, rather than its physical appearance(Levine 13). Alhough Victor FrankensteinRead MoreVictor Frankenstein as the Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein1924 Words  | 8 PagesIn the novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, Victor Frankenstein is the true monster, not the creature himself. Victor Frankenstein grew up in Geneva. He had a strong interest in reading the works of the ancient and outdated alchemists, and was fascinated by science and the secret of life. One day he decided that he wanted to study further, so Victor actually created a person of his own out of old body parts and strange chemicals. When the creature came to life, he was a hideously ugly beast.Read MoreThe Development and Change of the Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein3845 Words  | 16 PagesChange of the Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein The structure of Frankenstein begins as an epistolary, narrative story by Robert Walton to his sister (Mrs Saville) in England. Walton’s letters tell us that he is exploring, searching for what lies beyond the North Pole and that he longs for fame and glory. Walton and Frankenstein connect in this novel as they both seek and have a thirst for knowledge. For Walton it is his exploration, for Frankenstein it is to discoverRead MoreSympathy For The Monster In Mary Shelleys Frankenstein887 Words  | 4 PagesBrandon Zakrosky Toni J. Weeden English 14 November 2017 The Monster There were several times I had sympathy for the monster in the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Victor came from a privileged family and decided he wanted to play god, which is when he created the monster. It was selfish of Victor to create the monster and leave without explaining the world it. After reading this essay I think you will also have sympathy for the monster. Sympathy is when you have feelings of pity or sorrow towardsRead MoreThe Monster Inside in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein922 Words  | 4 Pagesunconscious minds that they otherwise would not have noticed themselves. Mary Shelley, an accomplished writer during the Romantic Era of English Literature, is the author of Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein is a young man with a hunger and passion for knowledge and science. He wants to do what no one has ever done before- create human life all on his own. Victor creates an eight foot tall, grotesquely terrifying monster that after continuous rejection from society, decides to take revenge on
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Inequalities Surrounding Indigenous Health Free Essays
The Inequalities Surrounding Australian Indigenous Health Inequality in health is one of the most controversial topics within Australian Health Care. Inequality in relation to health is defined as being â€Å"differences in health status or in the distribution of health determinants between different population groups†(World Health Organization, 2012). Within Australia inequality affects a wide range of population groups; however Indigenous Australians are most widely affected therefore this paper will focus on how inequality has impacted their health. We will write a custom essay sample on The Inequalities Surrounding Indigenous Health or any similar topic only for you Order Now Research shows that Australia’s Indigenous people suffer from a multitude of social and economic inequalities such as inadequate access to nutritious food and health care, being socially and economically ostracized, cultural barriers, discrimination, inadequate shelter and sanitation, and insufficient education (Commonwealth Grants Commission 2001, p. 58-60; Australian Human Rights Commission 2007), which all contribute to poor health physically, emotionally and spiritually. To gain a better understanding of the ill treatment of this population it is important to review Australian history and the affects on the individual and the community. Throughout history Indigenous Australians have suffered great inequality at the hands of white settlers. In 1788 the British colonialists arrived claiming the continent as their own without respect or consideration for its inhabitants. The inequality suffered by the Indigenous due to this lack of respect was brutal and executed with contempt, such as large scale massacres, assimilation of Indigenous children (known as the stolen generation), the banishment of entire communities, and a loss of land impacting on the hunter gatherer lifestyle etc. Australian Indigenous Health Info Net, 2011). Prior to the arrival of the British, â€Å"Indigenous Australians generally enjoyed better health †¦ than most people living in Europe†(Australian Indigenous Health Info Net, 2011), this could be directly due to the nomadic lifestyle and relatively small clans. According to the Australian Indigenous Health Info Net after the arrival of the British, Indigenous tribes were exposed to a n umber of diseases such as pertussis, small pox, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, measles, scarlet fever and Influenza. Having had no previous exposure to such afflictions Indigenous Australians endured a significant loss of life and their social structure was severely disrupted (2011). Throughout history inaccessibility of conventional health services and insufficient distribution of health frameworks in some Indigenous communities, has inevitably created a disadvantage to be as healthy as non-Indigenous Australians (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2007). Although society has advanced and is now bound by more equitable laws, large numbers of Indigenous Australians as individuals and as communities continue to suffer lower socioeconomic circumstances and health inequalities. This history of inequality, discrimination and overall mistreatment has not only had a prolific impact on the health and socioeconomic status of Indigenous individuals but it has contributed to an increase in detrimental social conditions and a lack of faith in their Non-Indigenous counterparts, the Government and the Australian Health Care System. Isaacs, Pyett, Oakley-Brown, Gruis, and Waples-Crowe (2010) found that â€Å"A general lack of trust in mainstream services by the Indigenous community and previous experiences of racism and discrimination can draw individuals away from these services†(p. 78). VicHealth determines that the disadvantages of financial hardship has a considerable residual influence on health inequalities (2005, p. 1). Low income and financial hardship has commonly been linked with poor housing and hygiene. Disadvantaged Indigenous individuals are more than often sharing their dwellings and overcrowding is not unlikely. Overcrowding generally means that there is an unavoidable spread of disease (Commonwealth Grants Commission, 2001, p. 58-60), placing significant strain on an individual’s financial position, due to higher expenditure outcomes, affecting their ability to seek health treatment. Such strain can increase the individuals stress levels. The Australian Human Rights Commission points out that stress â€Å"can impact on the body’s immune system, circulatory system, and metabolic functions through a variety of hormonal pathways and is associated with a range of health problems, particularly diseases of the circulatory system (2007). Indigenous individuals are strongly identify with their community and work together to heal rather than exclusively. Therefore socio-economic disadvantages, intolerance and health inequalities that affect Indigenous individuals also have an impact on their communities. The introduction to the western/European way of living, loss of ancestral land, intolerance and the economic disadvantages that Indigenous Australians suffer fuels socially related conditions within their communities such as substance abuse, violence, increased degrees of infectious diseases and chronic diseases etc. ulminating in higher mortality rates than non-Indigenous Australians (Duckett Willcox, 2011, p. 34-35). Stephens, Porter, Nettleton and Willis (2006) state that â€Å"infectious disease burden persists for Indigenous communities with high rates of diseases such as tuberculosis, and inequality also exists in the prevalence of chronic disease, including diabetes and heart disease†(p. 2022). Statisti cs show mortality for most age groups of the Indigenous population is twice that of non-indigenous people. The highest rate of mortality of Indigenous people is six times that of non-Indigenous Australians, this mortality is encountered by both males and females aged between 35-44 years of age (Duckett Willcox, 2011, p. 33). Consistency of low socioeconomic position in Indigenous communities is a causality of ill health which exacerbates Indigenous people’s disparity, contributing a continuum of disparity and ill health among generations (VicHealth, 2005, p. 3). These impacts of health inequality for Indigenous Australians on the Australian health system are varied. Hospitals and health services experience a higher influx of Indigenous patients compared to their counterparts (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2007). The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare maintains that the ratio of Indigenous patients in health care settings compared to non-Indigenous is about three to one. Indigenous people present with a plethora of health problems including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, substance and violence related injuries, mental illness etc. (2011). All of these health issues have a deep correlation with inequality. The high rates of patient intakes and health issues surrounding Indigenous people suggests they are not accessing health services and health education that encourages and aids in prevention. As mentioned earlier Isaacs et al (2010) stated that this is a direct impact of fear and trust related to racial discrimination (p. 78). Insufficient education may play a role in the inability to understand what services are available to them. An abundance of health services are available to urban Indigenous communities; however access to services for more remote communities poses much financial difficulty and stress. Financial stress has also impacted the health care system as funding continually needs expansion to support the outcomes of poor health inequalities for this population. In 2006-2007 â€Å"Indigenous health care expenditure accounted for 3. 3% of national expenditure†(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011). The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare states that this is only slightly higher than what is allocated to services accessed by Non-Indigenous Australians, even though Indigenous people suffer a higher burden of disease (2011). It is evidential that more services are required to create preventative outcomes and to relieve financial burden across the board. Considering Indigenous people generally work as a community rather than as individuals (being that they are clan affiliated) perhaps it would be more beneficial for the community as a whole to address what improvements need to be made to better suit their cultural beliefs. Freemantle, Officer, McAullay and Anderson (2007) acknowledge that Indigenous communities who oversee attainable and adaptable services have consistent, convincing health improvements (p. ). Community leaders should work cohesively with local and state governments to create more holistic approaches toward gaining effective health outcomes. This may mean making the choice to take a leap of faith in the health care system and the government that has primarily been responsible for the mistreatment of Indigenous peoples. In addition the government at a national level is cohesively strategiz ing to improve life for Indigenous people. The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has agreed upon a strategy developed to ‘Close the Gap’. Closing the Gap is a commitment by all Australian governments to improve the lives of Indigenous Australians, and in particular provide a better future for Indigenous children†(Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, 2009). State health departments such as VicHealth are also aiming to create improved health equality by enhancing awareness across all sectors, engaging in promotion to decrease health inequalities, establishing schemes that address health inequalities etc. (2005, p. ). Compared to the global community, Australian life expectancy and morbidity rates for Indigenous people have been found to be greater than that of other developed communities such as New Zealand, Canada and the USA (Freemantle et al. 2007, p. 2). The Freemantle et al. research (2007) revealed that Australian Indigenous people had an inferior life expectancy with males living approximately 56 years and females 63 years. In comparison, Canada’s Indigenous males lived approximately 68. 9 years and females 76. 6 years. In addition, the discrepancy in life expectancy between Australia’s Indigenous population and their non-Indigenous counterparts is marginally greater than that of other developed nations, with non-Indigenous Australians life expectancy at 76. 6 years for males and 82 years for females. In relation to morbidity, compared to the USA Australian Indigenous people experience an increased rate of illness such as diabetes at 85. 4, while the American Indigenous people only experience a rate of diabetes at 36. 2 (p. 26-28). It is evidential that Australian Indigenous populations suffer higher rates of health inequalities compared to other developed countries; this may be proof that Australia is not doing enough to bridge the gap. However it must be acknowledged that underdeveloped nations experience much lower rates of life expectancy and greater rates of illness, than developed nations. In conclusion it is suffice to say that since white settlement, Indigenous Australians as individuals and communities have suffered great health inequalities, due to racial discrimination and low socio-economic disadvantages. Although the Australian government and the health care systems are working towards amending these health inequalities, working cohesively with Indigenous communities will increase positive outcomes. Evidence shows that more effective action needs to be committed to and enforced. References Australian Government. (2001). Commonwealth grants commission: Indigenous funding inquiry. Retrieved March 26th, 2012, from www. cgc. gov. au/publications2/other_inquiries2/indigenous_funding_inquiry2/reports_and_other_documents/indigenous_funding_inquiry_-_final_report Australian Human Rights Commission. (2007, April 29-30). Social determinants and the health of Indigenous peoples in Australia: A human rights based approach. Retrieved March 26th, 2012, from www. hreoc. gov. au/about/media/speeches/social_justice/2007/social_determinants_n_the_health_of_indig_peoples. html Australian Indigenous Health Info Net. (2011). The context of Indigenous health. Retrieved March 23rd, 2012, from http://www. healthinfonet. ecu. edu. au/health-facts/overviews/the-context-of-indigenous-health Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2011). The health and welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. How to cite The Inequalities Surrounding Indigenous Health, Papers
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