Monday, December 23, 2019
Taking a Look at Indias Geography - 516 Words
Did you know that India is the second most populated country in the world with over 1.2 billion people? This heavily populated country’s history and culture was, and still is, affected by its geography. For example, The Ganges River provided some irrigation, but was mostly known for its religious significance in the Hindu faith. The Indus River provided fertile land for the Indus Valley civilization and allowed agriculture to flourish, but also flooded, which was part of the civilization’s economical weakening. Another factor that which brought the fall of the civilization was the Hindu Kush Mountain Range; although it provided some protection, paths were discovered by invaders that permitted them to cross over and quell. The Ganges River, a wide and slow paced river, starting from the mountain tops, then through the Gangetic Plain, and finally empties into the Bay of Bengal (â€Å"Ganges River†). The fertile Gangetic Plain was where settlements and developing c ities during prehistoric times because it was stable agriculturally (â€Å"Geography†). Despite the fact that the Ganges brought great fertility, it is also known as the most holy and sacramental river in the Hindu religion. The river is personified as a goddess, Ganga, who was sent from heaven to purify cursed and sinful souls; she was caught in â€Å"the snowy Himalayan peaks of Shiva’s hair†, then escapes by flowing down the mountain into the sea and finally purified more than 60,000 souls (Watts). Due to this myth, peopleShow MoreRelatedPoverty And Inequality Between The United States Of America And India Essay2035 Words  | 9 Pagesfactors that have created the clear disparities in inequality and poverty between the two countries. Geography: When analyzing the geographical size and significance of both the US and India we need to look at the geography as it relates to inequality and poverty. 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